Due to a changing media landscape, "The Adventures of Ntate Molefe" comic strip is no longer being run in the Daily Sun, South Africa's largest daily newspaper. The last comic strip in this series was published on the 20th September 2019.
The Daily Sun gave us a platform to launch BB Comics (Pty) Ltd and we will always be grateful to the newspaper for giving us the space to tell Ntate Molefe's story.
If it were not for the Daily Sun, Oscar Mashiane, artist for "The Adventures of Ntate Molefe" comic book would not have sent us his amazing fan art, in turn enabling us to develop our comic books.
With technological advancement, into the fourth industrial revolution, technology has become an equaliser, turning our social media and primary forms of communication the most effective platform for advertising. What this means is that magazines and newspapers are not the sought-after advertising real estate they used to be.
With cut backs in advertising revenue, media houses have been forced to consolidate the services of artists, cartoonists and to some extent journalists.
Gushwell F. Brooks, the artist, writer and creator of Ntate Molefe unfortunately has fallen victim to this changing landscape, but this leaves us with new opportunities to explore.
Thank you to cartoonists in the community who supported us throughout the nearly three years in this space, their support was phenomenal!
This community of cartoonists were sure to quell any impostor syndrome and doubts in the ability to express one self in the art of cartooning.
May the art form never die due to an ever-evolving society, but live long and prosper in other innovative spaces!