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Writer's pictureGushwell F. Brooks

BB Comics (Pty) Ltd, Passionate about Comics, but a Serious Business too...

More and more people are getting into comics, especially with excellent movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and - to some extent - the DC Extended Universe (DCEU) the movies have condensed decades worth of comic content into highly entertaining, CGI-fueled blockbusters.

However, nothing beats the original source material, the actual comic book! So BB Comics (Pty) Ltd was perplexed by the fact that South Africa does not have a regular periodical comic book on the shelves, showcasing South African art and telling South African stories.


We have done it, we will be releasing our first publication to hit the shelves in August 2018! "The Adventures of Ntate Molefe, Issue #001" to be followed by the "Saga of Sergeant South Africa, Issue #001" in September 2018.

Both publications will be affordable, at R 19.90 a copy, are artistically and aesthetically stunning, easy and entertaining reads and therefore the perfect spot for corporate clients to advertise.

To be clear, we are reviving the South African comic book, available in the supermarkets and newsagents where you purchase magazines and newspapers. So keep your eyes on our social media, our appearance at Comic Con Africa, between the 14th and the 16th September 2018. Here is to a new era of people reading again!

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